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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm Lazy, yep! But not after today!

So, I decided I'm being a little lax in some ways, and a little crazy in others. My old goal sheet was just crazy, asking way too much of myself. I got overwhelmed, I couldn't keep up cause the changes were too fast, and I quit. I started telling myself "tomorrow I will do it". So I changed my goal sheet, I'm only taking on one month at a time, and here is what it looks like.

Goals! February 2011

1.               Get up at 7:15am Monday-Friday, do 30 min of exercise each morning, 3-5 days per week. Options: walk Jabber Jane, Yoga video, Kinect Game, Other exercise video. Total possible workouts of: 15-20, 450min- 600min.
2.           Walk Jabber Jane (my dog)to Oakwood and back every Saturday. 4 times, 1.3 miles each.
3.           Track my eating habits every day on SparkPeople.com (LynaeG, Shawn28)
4.           Weigh in every Sunday morning.
5.           Take my measurements on 14th Feb and 28th Feb (Mondays)
6.           Drink a minimum of 64 oz of water per day. 2 newks cups (32 oz cup that I got at Newks Restaurant-they give them to you), or 4 regular glasses.
7.           Eat my protein bars for breakfast & lunch at least five days a week. Snacks at 10:30am, and 3pm must be healthy (fruits/veg).
8.           Read my Scriptures every single day. Preferably in the morning, or when I have spare time at work.
9.           Pray over all my food!
10.  Write in my blog at least once a week.
12.  If I EAT it I WRITE it!
13.  Mini goal-lose 5lbs this month!

ULTIMATE: 145 lbs!

I've also had one other thing in my line of thinking that has changed in a way that I think is significant. I had been doing a food journal and I was successfully losing weight. Then I got lazy. This time I didn't put it in my plan, and well, things are not working all that well. So I am putting it back in my plan. Only I am using a website that I have used in the past which has lots of great tracking tools. sparkpeople.com
I took the time to put what I have eaten so far today into the system. The reason I decided to do this is because I was talking to my Mom a few days ago and she said something that I didn't like, but it stuck. She said the RN at her healthy lifestyles clinic told her that the people he sees that have success do one key thing, they keep a record of what they eat. His rule is, "if you bite it, you write it." UGH more work! That's what I thought at the time. I can't, thats another thought I had. Here's my attitude adjustment. I do believe I can lose this weight, and never find it again. So why don't I believe I can do something so simple as put what I ate into a log? hmmmm cause I'm lazy! Well, time to not be lazy anymore. I added tracking my food on SparkPeople to my list of goals.

Mini goal- Lose 5 Lbs in February.
Starting Weight: 214.0 lbs
Goal Weight: 209.0 lbs
Next Weigh In Feb 6th.
I can do this! I can't wait to work on my goals and see where this new attitude takes me!

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