We all know that weighing in is an important aspect of tracking our progress. It helps us know each week how we've done. And it helps to know which habits are good and we should maintain and which are not good and we should work to eliminate or control.
There are lots of other ways of tracking, joining programs, sites, etc. Food journals where we track calories or points.
Here is my new invaluable tracking tool. Measurements! Two weeks ago when I started I took my measurements to get a baseline, my starting point. Now every second week, on Monday I take my measurements again. This is huge for me! And I wish I had done it my first go around last spring. It could have given me the extra boost I needed to keep motivated.
In the last two weeks I lost 7 inches off my body! That's huge! My scale loss of 2 pounds (lost 0.6 this week) did not reflect that, and I would have had no idea.
Here were my baseline measurements.
Bust: 47"
Waist: 42"
Belly button (it is the largest part of my middle, so I decided to measure around it too):49"
Right thigh:25"
Left Thigh:24.25"
Right Upper Arm:25"
Left Upper Arm:24.25"
New Measurements!
Bust: 46", loss of 1"
Waist: 41", loss of 1"
Belly Button: 48", loss of 1"
Hips: 50", loss of 1"
Right Thigh: 23.75", loss of 1.25"
Left Thigh: 23.25", loss of 1"
Right Arm: 13.5", loss of 0.5"
Left Arm: 13.25", loss of 0.25"
It feels so good to know that what I have done has made a difference! It's also good to see my own reality. It's hard to live healthy and reach goals if you don't know where you started, and then where you are at. Huge Tip, If you want to change something about your life or yourself do not be afraid of reality!
I've spent most of my life fearing the scale, or any other measurement of my body. I simply did not want to know! That attitude is part of what got me where I am today. Fear does not enable progress, it holds us back and weighs us down (in my case literally). Courage, determination, and resolve are what I need to change my body and my habits. And yes, facing this reality does take courage.
It's not as if I was unaware of the state of my body, every mirror, every article of clothing, every shopping trip, every ache and pain. All of it reminded me of the state of my body. But going through life adapting, ignoring it, just making do, is not facing it. I feel better since I have taken measure of myself, it is liberating. I have freedom!
213.6 pounds, loss of 0.6
68.6 pounds to go!
Total loss: 2.0 pounds
8lbs to first goal!
inches lost: 7!
3-6" to first goal!
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